Translation for "overtimes" to spanish
Translation examples
It was her nerves working overtime.
Eran sus nervios haciendo horas extraordinarias.
“You don’t get overtime, you know.”
No se te pagan horas extraordinarias, ¿sabes?
“You must he working overtime.”
—Debe trabajar usted horas extraordinarias.
he was paid double or triple for overtime.
le pagaban doble o triple por las horas extraordinarias.
       'He's paying me overtime,' Beatrice said.
—Me paga horas extraordinarias —intervino Beatrice.
Livia Ussaro even did overtime.
Livia Ussaro hacía incluso horas extraordinarias.
He never worked overtime, he was definitely not a fanatic.
No era un fanático, eso es indudable, nunca hizo horas extraordinarias.
But come on into my private office. You’ll be interested in our overtime schedule -’
Pero venga a mi oficina, le interesará nuestro proyecto de horas extraordinarias.
They had worked overtime so that the transport could be dealt with first.
Habían trabajado horas extraordinarias para que pudieran atender primero al transporte.
“Working overtime?”
– ¿Haciendo horas extra?
What about overtime?
¿Y qué me dice de las horas extras?
Got overtime to do.
Tengo que hacer horas extra.
Limits on overtime, too.
También hay límites en las horas extra.
Saturdays overtime.
Hacen horas extra los sábados.
He was putting in overtime, too.
Él también hacía horas extras.
They were spending overtime money.
Estaban pagando horas extra.
And full employment was overtime at the Project and an end to the - the studio, or whatever the word was - that once had meant something back in the days of the Machine and - and Art, whatever that word was.
Y la jornada larga era tiempo suplementario en el proyecto y significaba el fin de…, del estudio o algo semejante, que representaba algo en la época de la máquina y del… del arte o cosa así.
I jerked it out of the slot and turned around, then when I went past the gate I threw two bucks into the window to pay for the overtime. The guy took the dough and never even looked up.
En la entrada, tiré dos pavos por la ventanilla para pagar el tiempo suplementario y el encargado recogió la pasta sin mirarme siquiera.
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