Translation for "oversell" to spanish
Translation examples
Ah, that's overselling it.
Ah , eso es sobreventa ella.
I guess the file wasn't overselling her.
Supongo que el archivo no se sobreventa ella.
I didn't mean to oversell.
No pretendía exagerar.
Well, I don't... I don't wanna oversell it.
Bueno, no quiero exagerar.
Actually, I started it already, and I don't want to oversell, but it's gonna be pretty great.
De hecho, lo acabo de empezar, y no quiero exagerar, pero va a ser bastante genial.
You don't need to oversell, Counselor.
No tiene que exagerar, abogado.
I don't want to oversell it, but car and driver called this baby the Korean Maserati.
No quiero exagerar , pero coche y el conductor Llamado a este bebé el Maserati de Corea.
Let's not oversell...
No hay que exagerar...
I don't want to oversell it that, you know, there's rivers of chocolate milk and massages on Tuesdays.
No quiero exagerar y decir que nos regalan chocolatadas y masajes.
I mean, I don't want to oversell it, but it changes you forever.
Digo, no quiero exagerar, pero te cambia para siempre.
Okay, hey hey, you two, let's not oversell this whole "we're really in love" thing, okay?
Vale, oye, vosotros dos, no exagerar toda esta cosa de "estamos en realidad enamorados", ¿vale?
You don't have to oversell it.
No tienes que exagerar.
The gaze with which she’d cut down American brownshirts, or landlord-corrupted police captains attempting to execute eviction notices, she now levied against Cicero’s slight oversell of the rice pudding.
La mirada con la que había taladrado a los camisas pardas estadounidenses o a los capitanes de policía corruptos que intentaban ejecutar órdenes de desahucio ahora reprendía a Cicero por exagerar ligeramente la calidad del pudin de arroz.
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