Translation for "over-bold" to spanish
Translation examples
He was cunning, inquisitive, greedy, well-armoured, but not over bold.
Era astuto, inquisitivo, ambicioso y bien armado, aunque no temerario en exceso.
Aren't I radically unbalanced, by turns cowardly and over-bold, under-sexed and sex-obsessed?
¿Estaré radicalmente desequilibrado, alternativamente cobarde y temerario, sexualmente subdesarrollado y obseso…?
 I say the Prisoner is over-bold, and that I could devour him now and scour the very circuits of his brain for this knowledge.
—Digo que el Preso es un temerario, y que podría devorarlo ahora mismo y arrancarle los circuitos del cerebro por su insolencia.
If the question is not over-bold?" Contrary, provocative.
Si la pregunta no es demasiado atrevida… —Contradictoria y provocadora.
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