Translation for "outwardly" to spanish
Translation examples
In addition, 2 posts (1 P-5 and 1 P-4) from the Investigations Office in Vienna would be redeployed to Investigations New York, and 1 P-4 post would be outwardly redeployed from Investigations New York to subprogramme 2, Inspection and evaluation.
Además, se redistribuirían 2 puestos (1 P-5 y 1 P-4) de la Oficina de Investigaciones de Viena a la de Nueva York y se redistribuiría externamente un puesto de categoría P-4 de la Oficina de Investigaciones en Nueva York al subprograma 2, Inspección y evaluación.
It was obvious that the outwardly directed practice of a State was of greater importance for the formation of rules of international law.
Es obvio que la práctica de un Estado manifestada externamente es de mayor importancia para la formación de las normas de derecho internacional.
... though outwardly they look totally different.
Aunque externamente se ven totalmente diferentes.
Alana didn't outwardly exhibit Little Miss Chatswin qualities, but that was what I liked about her.
Externamente, Alana no mostraba cualidades de Pequeña Miss Chatswin, pero eso era lo que me gustaba de ella.
Therefore inwardly we are forgiving and merciful, but outwardly we combat evil
Por consiguiente... interiormente somos compasivos y misericordiosos pero externamente combatimos el mal militantemente.
Outwardly, all was the same.
Externamente, todo era igual.
Outwardly, all was perfect.
Externamente todo era perfecto.
But outwardly there was no change.
Pero externamente no se manifestaba ningún cambio.
Outwardly, I frowned.
Externamente, puse mala cara.
Outwardly, the child carried nothing of her mother.
Externamente, la niña no tenía nada de su madre.
This outwardly comic combat had sinister undertones.
Este combate, externamente cómico, tenía un trasfondo siniestro.
outwardly he appeared cool, almost emotionless.
externamente parecía frío, casi carente de emociones.
This, by the way, is the case even if the ego is outwardly very confident.
Por cierto, esto sigue siendo verdadero aunque externamente esté muy seguro.
‘Well, Sarah’s manner is always quite correct – outwardly.
-Bueno, Sarah siempre se porta con corrección... externamente.
I smiled inwardly. And of course, since I was a dolphin at the moment, I smiled outwardly, too.
Sonreí en mi interior y, como todavía era un delfín, también externamente.
Outwardly, at least.
Al menos por fuera.
The district, outwardly, is like the end of organized time-outwardly, mind you.
El distrito, por fuera, es como el final del tiempo organizado, pero sólo por fuera, ojo.
2. This year has already seen the adoption of two laws - on citizenship and language - which, while outwardly conforming to internationally recognized requirements, in the specifically Estonian context further restrict the rights and interests of hundreds of thousands of people.
2. En 1995 ya se han adoptado dos leyes, sobre la ciudadanía y sobre el idioma, que si bien aparentemente se ajustan a exigencias aceptadas internacionalmente, en las condiciones concretas de Estonia limitan aún más los derechos y menoscaban los intereses de centenares de miles de personas.
Outwardly, this state of affairs was commended by the international community.
Aparentemente, la comunidad internacional encomiaba esta situación.
She's never been outwardly political.
Aparentemente nunca ha tenido opiniones políticas.
She's alive and, outwardly, she's OK.
Está vida, y, aparentemente, está bien.
Outwardly it's just like a military hospital in Japan.
Aparentemente es como un hospital militar de Japón.
Outwardly, the flesh looks quite human, but let us look further.
Aparentemente la carne parece humana. Pero observemos más atentamente.
Was he outwardly violent?
¿Era aparentemente violento?
the dormant stress can be expressed outwardly.
...el stress inactivo, aparentemente, puede expresarse.
- You wouldn't... Outwardly.
- No lo harían... aparentemente.
Outwardly, it will be as usual.
Aparentemente todo seguirá igual.
He expands himself outwardly in his communication.
Aparentemente se engrandece en su comunicación.
Outwardly he was calm and sated.
Aparentemente, estaba tranquilo y saciado.
Razumov remained outwardly impassive.
Razumov se mantenía aparentemente impasible.
She took his kisses, outwardly.
Ella aceptaba sus besos aparentemente.
Their Thursday routine had not changed outwardly.
Su rutina de los jueves no cambió aparentemente.
Outwardly, there were few signs of discontent.
Aparentemente, había pocas muestras de descontento.
Nothing had changed outwardly in Favieros’s behaviour.
Nada había cambiado, aparentemente, en la conducta de Favieros.
Still, none looked outwardly hostile.
Aun así, ninguno se mostraba aparentemente hostil.
Outwardly, the most you’ve ever done is tolerated her.”
Aparentemente, lo más que tú has llegado a hacer es tolerarla a ella.
He was very cool outwardly, but was nervous all the same.
Aparentemente, estaba muy tranquilo, mas yo adiviné su nerviosismo.
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