Translation for "ostracised" to spanish
Translation examples
The women’s officers, meanwhile, were ostracised.
Mientras tanto, las oficiales estaban condenadas al ostracismo.
It is as though she has been ostracised, cast out;
Es como si la hubieran condenado al ostracismo, desterrado;
At the least, I imagine he finds himself ostracised. At the most, dismissed.
Como mínimo, se considera condenado al ostracismo, y como máximo, expulsado.
"If you go back, she'll be ostracised.
Si Vd. vuelve a ella la castigarán con el ostracismo.
True. Vampires have been ostracised from the underworld for centuries.
Los vampiros sufren hace siglos el ostracismo en el inframundo.
There was no attempt to ostracise her.
No se la quería condenar a ningún ostracismo.
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