Translation for "orange blossom water" to spanish
Translation examples
I always celebrate the end of the fast with towers of ataif, pancakes dipped in syrup and sprinkled with orange-blossom water, layered with heavy cream, and covered with chopped almonds.
Siempre celebro el fin del ayuno con montañas de ataíf, pastelitos bañados en jarabe, rociados con agua de azahar, cubiertos con espesa crema y espolvoreados con almendra molida.
    Carmelita Montiel, a twenty-year-old virgin, had just bathed in orange-blossom water and was strewing rosemary leaves on Pilar Ternera’s bed when the shot rang out.
Carmelita Montiel, una virgen de veinte años, acababa de bañarse con agua de azahares y estaba regando hojas de romero en la cama de Pilar Ternera, cuando sonó el disparo.
On those occasions, his arm was so painful that Juliana had to spoon the soup into his mouth, cool his brow with orange-blossom water, and entertain him for hours playing her harp, reading Lope de Vega to him, and playing girls’ games.
En esas ocasiones le dolía tanto el brazo, que Juliana debía darle la sopa en la boca, enjuagarle la frente con agua de azahar y entretenerlo durante horas con el arpa, lecturas y juegos de damas.
Melchor’s concern about Caridad disappeared as the party went on, with wine, liquor and even chocolate from Caracas. He heard El Cascabelero demanding the best hot chocolate, with sugar, cinnamon and a few drops of orange-blossom water. They ate the sweets hawked by the street vendors: doughnuts deemed “stupid”
La inquietud por Caridad desapareció en Melchor al ritmo de la fiesta, del vino, el aguardiente o incluso el chocolate, de Caracas, escuchó Melchor que exigía el Cascabelero, el mejor, con azúcar, canela y unas gotas de agua de azahar.
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