Translation for "open-toe" to spanish
Translation examples
You had open-toe shoes on?
¿Tenías zapatos de punta abierta?
You should go, like, you know, toeless or open toe or whatever.
Deberías ir, como, sin punta, o punta abierta o como sea está bien
Perhaps next time you'd like to wear open-toes.
Quizá la próxima vez quieras usar zapatos de punta abierta.
Open-toe... or... closed?
¿Punta abierta.. o... cerrada?
Jakob had trouble with his feet from the chilblains he had gotten every winter, with boots that had been falling off his feet, and had open toes and holes in the soles.
Jakob tenía problemas en los pies debido a los sabañones que le habían salido cada invierno y a las botas maltrechas con las puntas abiertas y las suelas agujereadas.
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