Translation for "one incident" to spanish
One incident
Translation examples
There was this one incident.
Hubo un incidente.
It was just one incident.
Sólo fue un incidente.
That was one incident.
Eso fue un incidente.
This was one incident.
Fue un incidente aislado.
To protest one incident?
¿Para protestar por un incidente?
Perhaps it was one incident.
Tal vez fuera un incidente.
      One incident annoyed him.
Un incidente lo contrarió.
“We had one incident with Pierce and Gillett.”
—Hemos tenido un incidente con Pierce y Gillett.
He remembered one incident in particular.
Myers recordaba un incidente en particular.
things to be remembered from more than one incident.
cosas que eran recordadas por más de un incidente.
There was one incident that he thought we might be interested in.
Hubo un incidente que cree que podría interesarnos.
Only one incident had marred her morning.
Únicamente un incidente le había estropeado la mañana.
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