Translation for "one hundred and sixty-six" to spanish
Translation examples
Now I had accumulated one hundred and sixty six dollars to offer my new mama to be.
Ahora tenía guardados ciento sesenta y seis dólares para ofrecérselos a mi futura nueva mamá.
And I shook my cash money out on her bed and said it’s one hundred and sixty six dollars there.
Y vacié el dinero encima de la cama y dije son ciento sesenta y seis dólares.
Accordingly, a mighty armada of one hundred and sixty-six wooden ships sailed across to America, to help them suffer for the faith - and incidentally to get back some of our loot.
Una poderosa armada de ciento sesenta y seis naves de madera zarpó entonces rumbo a Norteamérica, a ayudarlos a sufrir por la fe, y de paso recuperar parte del botín.
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