Translation for "on the nose" to spanish
On the nose
Translation examples
He was bleeding profusely from his ear, eyes and nose.
Sangraba profusamente de un oído, los ojos y la nariz.
South Korea should not attempt to poke its nose into this affair.
Corea del Sur no debe meter las narices en este asunto.
Blindfolded, beaten, threatened; water up the nose.
Fueron vendadas, golpeadas, amenazadas y se les introdujo agua por la nariz.
His nose and one rib were broken;
Le quebraron la nariz y una costilla;
His eyebrow area, nose and ears were all bleeding.
El autor sangraba por la ceja, la nariz y los oídos.
Diseases of the ear, nose, and throat
Enfermedades de nariz, garganta y oídos
In 2005 a tumour developed in his nose.
En 2005 se le formó un tumor en la nariz.
Water was poured into her nose.
También la desnudaron, la quemaron con colillas de cigarrillo y la introdujeron agua por la nariz.
Spraying with gas (in the eyes, nose, etc.);
c) La pulverización de gas (en los ojos, la nariz, etc.);
Right on the nose.
En la nariz.
On the nose, buster.
En la nariz, amigo.
Kisses on the nose.
Besos en la nariz.
- 42,000 on the nose.
- 42.000 en la nariz.
And the nose was a pirate's nose.
Y la nariz, una nariz de pirata.
We were standing nose to nose now.
Estábamos ya nariz con nariz.
Her nose was not really a nose at all.
Su nariz no era realmente una nariz.
There was a big nose on it, a carrot nose.
Tenía una nariz en el centro, una nariz de zanahoria.
Every nose was a weirder nose.
Cada nariz era la nariz más fantasmagórica.
“It’s a nose for a nose—that’s good enough for me.
Nariz por nariz, a mí eso me basta.
A decided nose. A maiden lady’s nose.
Nariz decidida, nariz de dama soltera.
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