Translation for "on lying" to spanish
Translation examples
These are truths that no amount of diplomatic subterfuge and lying can camouflage.
Estas son verdades que no puede camuflar ninguna cantidad de subterfugios y mentiras diplomáticos.
An entity of such descriptions should not be allowed to boast of its constant lying.
A una entidad con esas características no se le debe permitir que se vanaglorie de sus constantes mentiras.
The officer swore at him and accused him of lying.
El oficial lo insultó y lo acusó de mentir.
Is there a worse crime than lying to and deceiving the world?
¿Existe crimen mayor que mentir al mundo y confundirlo?
It was a scientific fact that the biggest sign of lying was deflection.
Es un hecho científico que la mejor manera de mentir es desviar el tema.
The victim’s family, however, accused the police of lying.
La familia de la víctima, no obstante, acusó a la policía de mentir.
Indeed, he had rubbed salt into the wound by lying.
De hecho, ha restregado sal en la herida con sus mentiras.
If you insist on lying, you're going to upset me.
Si insistes en mentir, me vas a hacer enfadar.
Please don't waste energy on lying.
No desperdicie energía en mentiras.
But all magic is based on lying.
Toda magia esta basada en mentir.
I'm gonna tell her the world's leading expert on lying thinks you're cheating on her.
Porque voy a llamarla y voy a decirle que el mayor experto en mentiras del mundo cree que usted le es infiel.
Why do you insist on lying!
¿Por qué insiste en mentir?
Clearly you're the expert on lying.
Claramente, eres experta en mentir.
They’re angry with her for not lying about lying.
Están furiosos con ella por no mentir sobre lo de mentir.
“This feels like lying.” “It isn’t lying.”
—Es que suena a mentira. —No es mentira, ni mucho menos.
And then I’ll have to do some more lying. I hate this lying.” “Stop lying.”
Y entonces tendré que volver a mentir. Y odio estas mentiras. —Deje de mentir.
There’s no lying to it.
No hay mentiras en ella.
“That would be lying.”
—Eso sería una mentira.
She said to herself, Spying, lying, spying, lying.
Se dijo a sí misma: Espiar, mentir, espiar, mentir.
No hiding, no lying.
Sin esconderse, sin mentir.
Lying is necessary.
Mentir es necesario.
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