Translation for "oiler" to spanish
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Translation examples
9. Kazim Abd al-Husayn, oiler
9. Kadhim Abd-el Husayn Engrasador
8. Yasir Tahir Yusr, oiler
8. Yasir Tahir Yasr Engrasador
Four oilers, four firemen, two wipers.
Cuatro engrasadores, cuatro caldereros, dos limpiadores.
The second's an oiler from Marshall Islands.
El segundo es un engrasador de las Islas Marshall.
“Don’t you have a friend who’s an oiler?
¿No tienes un amigo engrasador?
It was an oiler named James McKenna.
Era un engrasador llamado James McKenna.
And I was only the oiler: number-two nigger.
Y era sólo el engrasador: el último mono.
The oilers were leaping from their trucks, running, shouting.
Los engrasadores estaban saltando de los camiones, corrían y chillaban.
Michael was at the refinery in Freeport, an oiler first class.
Michael estaba en la refinería de Freeport, engrasador de primera clase.
“Lore’s fourth-generation oiler,” Michael said.
—Lore es engrasadora de cuarta generación —explicó Michael—.
“Before, I was an oiler,” the storyteller had said. “I oiled the wheels.”
—Yo antes era engrasador —había dicho el narrador—. Era el que engrasaba las ruedas.
“What do you have to say for yourselves?” “We’re oilers,” Michael replied. “Interesting.
¿Qué tenéis que decir? —Somos engrasadores —contestó Michael. —Interesante.
This was not a conversation that Ryder wanted to share with Jock McCrump and the this’s stokers and oilers.
—Ryder no quería compartir esa conversación con Jock McCrump y los fogoneros y engrasadores del Ibis.
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