Translation for "officer of the court" to spanish
Officer of the court
Translation examples
(d) If the person is an officer of the Court, or a defence counsel, or a legal representative of a victim, permanent or temporary interdiction from the exercise of his or her functions before the Court.
d) Si la persona es un oficial de la Corte, o un abogado defensor, o un representante legal de una víctima, la prohibición permanente o temporaria de desempeñar sus funciones ante la Corte.
In the case of Agbevor vs. Attorney-General where Government dismissed a judicial officer, the Supreme Court held that the dismissal should be revoked because it was only the Chief Justice who could do this.
En el caso Agbevor c. el Fiscal General, relativo al despido por el Gobierno de un oficial judicial, la Corte Suprema resolvió que debía anularse el despido porque sólo podía adoptar una decisión de ese tipo el Ministro de Justicia.
AW: Officers of the court, magistrate...
Oficiales de la corte, Sr. Juez...
You're not an officer of the court.
No eres oficial de la corte.
Wulfgar was not a ‘servant’, but an officer of the court.
Wulfgar no era un «sirviente», sino un oficial de la corte.
Now, since you consented to defend him, you are acting as an officer of this court.
Ahora, dado que ha consentido usted en defenderlo, está actuando como oficial ante esta corte.
Also present were numerous officers of the court, including a battery of secretaries to record the testimony in Tironian shorthand.
También estaban presentes varios oficiales de la corte, incluyendo un montón de secretarios para transcribir los testimonios en escritura tironiana.
I had to half-fight my way through courtiers and lawyers and clerks and officers of the court in the presence chamber outside the room.
Casi tuve que pelear para abrirme camino entre los cortesanos, abogados, secretarios y oficiales de la corte, todos fuera de la sala, en la antesala.
The executioner cannot perform this task because he is already burdened with the head and with his weapon, and it is rare for anyone else involved—soldiers, officers of the court, and so on—to be willing to do so.
El verdugo no puede desempeñar esta tarea porque tiene que hacerse cargo de la cabeza y del arma, y es raro que algún otro de los involucrados —soldados, oficiales de la corte, etc...— esté dispuesto a llevarla a cabo.
There were floats depicting historic events in the history of Castra Sanguinarius and ancient Rome. There were litters bearing the high officers of the court and the senators of the city, while bringing up the rear were the captured flocks and herds of the Bagegos.
Por la avenida desfilaban flotas que describían acontecimientos históricos de Castra Sanguinarius y de la antigua Roma, literas que portaban a altos oficiales de la corte y a los senadores de la ciudad, y al final desfilaban los rebaños de los bagegos.
There were senators in rich robes and high officers of the court and of the army, resplendent in jewels and embroidered linen, who, with their wives and their daughters, formed a gorgeous, and glittering company in the pillared chamber, for Fastus, the son of Caesar, was to wed the daughter of Dion Splendidus that evening.
Allí se encontraban senadores ataviados con ricas túnicas y altos oficiales de la corte y del ejército, resplandecientes de joyas y telas bordadas, quienes, con sus esposas e hijas, formaban una espléndida compañía en la estancia con columnas, pues Fastus, el hijo del césar, se casaba aquella tarde con la hija de Dion Splendidus.
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