Translation for "of jesus" to spanish
Translation examples
Jesus Silva Herzog
Jesús Silva Herzog
Pint of Jesus juice.
Una pinta de Jesús.
Ah. Society of Jesus?
¿Sociedad de Jesús?
Birth of Jesus, death of Jesus.
Nacimiento de Jesús, la muerte de Jesús.
Followers of Jesus.
Seguidores de Jesús.
Whore of Jesus!
¡Puta de Jesús!
The Cross of Jesus.
La cruz de Jesús.
♪ Slaves of Jesus
Siervos de Jesús
The anointment of Jesus.
La unción de Jesús.
The trial of jesus.
El juicio de Jesús.
"Jesus," Dan whistled, "Jesus!"
Jesús —silbó Dan—, ¡Jesús!
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, repeated without pause or respite a hundred times;
Jesús, Jesús, Jesús, sin pausa ni resuello, hasta llegar a cien;
It's been known to happen. Jesus. Jesus!
—Ha ocurrido antes. Jesús, ¡Jesús!
  Jones slipped into a reverie--Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Father Divine.
Jones empezó a delirar: Jesús, Jesús, Jesús, Divino Padre.
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