Translation for "oddly" to spanish
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cause I happen to be oddly shaped. Mmm, smells good.
Porque estoy singularmente modelada.
I want to offer you a choice That's gonna not only determine your future But the future of the oddly hot chick
Quiero ofrecerte una elección... que no sólo va a determinar tu futuro, sino el futuro de la chica singularmente buena, con las gafas de Urkel.
Well, it's oddly beautiful.
Bien, es singularmente bonito.
Both of them were oddly pleased, oddly abashed.
Ambos singularmente contentos, singularmente azorados.
They seemed oddly savage and civilized all at once.
Parecían singularmente salvajes y civilizados a la vez.
He spoke in a rasping, oddly inflected voice: "Enter.
Habló con voz carraspeante y singularmente modulada. —Entrad.
he growled in recognizable, though oddly distorted, English.
—Gruñó en un inglés reconocible aunque singularmente distorsionado.
There was something oddly regular in the paths their swimming took.
Había algo singularmente regular en los pasos de las carpas doradas, en sus movimientos natatorios.
but for the present I felt oddly contented in her company.
pero por el momento presente, me sentí singularmente contento de tenerla de compañía.
But it was oddly clean- there was no flesh remaining, only smooth bone.
Pero aparecía singularmente limpio…, no quedaba nada de carne, sólo hueso pelado.
You know that?’ His voice, for so burly a man, was oddly gentle.
Usted lo sabe, ¿verdad? —Para un hombre tan rudo, su voz era singularmente suave.
"Name is Brand," the prolet said in a thin, oddly high voice. "Class Four.
—Me llamo Brand —dijo el proletario con una voz fina y singularmente alta—. Clase Cuarta.
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