Translation for "obviously false" to spanish
Translation examples
During the proceedings before an international trial chamber the conspirers of the chase of Mladenović appeared in the role of the allegedly wronged parties, i.e. the three brothers Salihu, who by their clumsy, contradictory and obviously false testimony practically hinted themselves at a sentence proclaiming him not guilty.
Durante el juicio ante una audiencia internacional, los perseguidores de Mladenović comparecieron como las partes supuestamente agraviadas, a saber, los tres hermanos Salihu, quienes por su testimonio torpe, contradictorio y obviamente falso prácticamente proclamaron que no era culpable.
It's amazing how a man holds onto an idea even when that idea is so obviously false.
Es asombroso como un hombre sostiene una idea incluso cuando aquella idea es tan obviamente falsa.
And in fact the claim was so obviously false the National Academy took the unprecedented step of publicly disavowing this petition.
Y de hecho la afirmación era tan obviamente falsa que la Academia Nacional tomó la medida sin precedentes de negar públicamente esta petición.
It was obviously false, but I couldn’t get past it.
Era obviamente falsa, pero no podía pasar al otro lado.
Others seem obviously true or obviously false.
Algunas parecen verdades obvias u obviamente falsas.
By wire, in an obviously false name—L. Howard.
—Por telégrafo, bajo un nombre obviamente falso: «L. L. Howard».
“Credible? It sounds completely and obviously false, Michael—can’t you see that?
—¿Credibilidad? Pero si suena completa y obviamente falsa, Michael, ¿no lo ves?
Often, when I felt too exhausted for abstract deductive reasoning, I would test specific cases, lest Uncle Petros had set me a trap by asking me to demonstrate something obviously false.
A menudo, cuando estaba demasiado cansado para el razonamiento deductivo abstracto, probaba casos específicos, preguntándome si el tío Petros me habría tendido una trampa pidiéndome que demostrara algo obviamente falso.
His gaze darted that way even as the images danced inside his eyes and the suit’s visor blacked out the entire view then cast an obviously false representation up showing the horizon, nearby towers and not much else.
Miró casi sin querer, las imágenes bailaron en sus ojos y el visor del traje bloqueó toda la visión y después ofreció una representación obviamente falsa que mostraba el horizonte, las torres cercanas y no mucho más.
The seamen, upon the whole, were a very decent set of men and Jack felt happy among them and at home - many he had served with and barely once did he forget a name - yet once again it surprised, even astonished him that such a decent set, with so much hard-won knowledge, should have so primitive a notion of what was fun, and that they should attract such an obviously false set of hangers-on, such a forbidding crew of doxies, so very often short, thick and swarthy, sometimes so obviously diseased.
Los marineros, en términos generales, resultaron ser unos tipos estupendos, de modo que Jack se sintió entre ellos como en casa (a muchos los conocía de haber servido con ellos, y era del tipo de personas que rara vez olvidan un nombre). No por ello dejó de sorprenderle, de asombrarle incluso, que tamaña pandilla de hombres decentes, poseedores de un conocimiento de la vida ganado a pulso, tuvieran una noción tan primitiva de la diversión, y de que atrajeran a un conjunto obviamente falso de sicofantes, además de a un imperdonable hatajo de rameras, a menudo paticortas, gruesas y sudorosas, muchas de ellas, para mayor escarnio, plagadas de enfermedades.
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