Translation for "obediently" to spanish
Translation examples
The reaction from Ankara, obediently echoed by the Turkish Cypriot leadership, has been one of harsh rejection, either in terms of a flat negation or by imposing conditions tantamount to cancelling what has been desired by the international community, prescribed by United Nations resolutions and even accepted by the Turkish Cypriot leadership itself.
La reacción de Ankara, de la que se han hecho eco obedientemente los dirigentes turcochipriotas, ha sido de total rechazo, ya sea con una negativa tajante o imponiendo condiciones que equivalen a negarse a acatar los deseos de la comunidad internacional recogidos en las resoluciones de las Naciones Unidas y aceptados incluso por los propios dirigentes turcochipriotas.
The cost of training has been prohibitive and has badly affected her overall well-being, but she has obediently followed the advice given to her by the dance-floor manager.
El costo del adiestramiento ha sido prohibitivo y ha afectado gravemente el estado general de su salud, pero ella ha seguido obedientemente las instrucciones que el administrador de la pista de baile le ha dado.
Just wait obediently
Solo espera obedientemente.
We'll give her back intact, smiling, accepting everything obediently.
La devolveremos intacta, sonriente, aceptando todo obedientemente.
Those marked with Tenrou should just stay here obediently.
Aquellos marcados con el Tenrou deben permanecer aqui obedientemente.
Why can't you ever just follow obediently for once?
¿Por qué no puedes tan sólo una vez seguirme obedientemente?
And you will follow her wherever she goes, obediently.
Y usted la seguirá allá donde vaya, obedientemente.
The others follow obediently, bleating like condemned men who still sing knowing that its song is useless.
Las otras siguen obedientemente, balando...
They will follow us obediently.
Nos seguirán obedientemente.
Dåådh obediently rides out to you When you invite him.
Dåådh corre obedientemente hacia ti cuando lo llamas.
"Ikeda Tomonojo and strike him down" "By obediently fulfilling these two duties,"
Ikeda Tomonojo, y que le maten cumpliendo obedientemente esas dos obligaciones.
And they all marched obediently into the showers.
Y todos marcharon obedientemente hacia las duchas.
Everybody nodded obediently.
Todos asentimos obedientemente.
And they all obediently vanished.
Y, obedientemente, se esfumaron.
The crowd obediently went.
La muchedumbre se dispersó obedientemente.
It's glaringly obvious that my wife herself will come up here tonight to carry away those essential vacation items that Howard Wakefield, devoted husband, had so obediently opened his wallet to provide.
Es obvio que mi esposa subirá esta noche para llevarse las cosas esenciales para vacacionar que Howard Wakefield el esposo fiel tan sumisamente ha comprado con su dinero.
Blackthorne followed obediently.
Blackthorne lo siguió sumisamente.
Both men nodded obediently.
Ambos hombres asintieron sumisamente.
"You were wonderful," the girl said obediently.
–Estuviste maravillosa -dijo, sumisamente, la muchacha.
A few people laughed, obediently. Ciena felt stung.
Algunos rieron sumisamente. Ciena sintió una punzada.
Mr Crepsley tilted his head obediently. "Very well.
Mr. Crepsley inclinó la cabeza sumisamente. –Muy bien.
Land and Overland obediently slid into new positions in the firmament.
Land y Overland se deslizaron sumisamente hasta sus nuevas posiciones en el firmamento.
Obediently Katya climbed back into bed and pulled the covers up to her chin.
Katya regresó al lecho sumisamente y se tapó hasta la barbilla;
Jane passed her something burning which she obediently put to her lips.
Jane le pasó algo que quemaba y que ella se llevó sumisamente a los labios.
The crowd obediently bound their eyes with the green scarves provided for the purpose.
Sumisamente, los congregados se vendaron los ojos con los pañuelos verdes que traían con tal propósito.
“A time on Mithranidoon is never wasted, master,” Androosis obediently replied, and turned away.
—Un momento en el Mithranidoon es tiempo perdido, maestro —respondió Androosis sumisamente antes de volverse.
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