Translation for "nuthouse" to spanish
Translation examples
- You got the screwiest uncle ever inside our nuthouse.
¿Qué? - El tío más loco que ha pisado nuestro manicomio.
I'm telling you, Julie, this is a nuthouse... and that's the head nut, up there.
Te lo repito, Julie, esto es un manicomio... y ése de ahí arriba es el loco a cargo.
You've got us in the middle of this nuthouse!
¡Estás loco! ¡Nos tienes en este manicomio!
They sent me to the nuthouse, like I was crazy.
Me mandaron al manicomio, como si estuviera loco.
He comes to take charge of a nuthouse and it turns out the guy’s really crazy himself!”
¡Viene a encargarse de un manicomio y resulta que el loco era él!
But if you were an American Solzhenitsyn who spoke the truth about what your own country had become and denounced Nixon’s crimes the way your Russian counterpart denounced Stalin’s, no one would bother locking you away in a nuthouse trying to convince others you were crazy; people would already have come to that conclusion on their own, and your message would go unheard.
Mientras que a un Solzhenitsyn americano que dijera la verdad y denunciara los crímenes de Nixon como el otro los de Stalin ni siquiera hubiese sido necesario encerrarlo en un manicomio: todo el mundo lo tomaría por loco y nadie le haría caso.
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