Translation for "notched" to spanish
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Translation examples
I'm notched at this point.
Estoy mellado ahora mismo.
It was stained and notched.
Estaba manchada y mellada.
Maybe they even had notches in the blades.
Quizás incluso estaban melladas.
their swords were notched, and their shields were riven.
las espadas estaban melladas y los escudos hendidos.
The blade was dull and short, and notched like a saw.
La hoja era roma y corta, estaba mellada como una sierra.
A heavy weapon with a thick, notched blade, but it would serve.
Un arma pesada, con una hoja gruesa y mellada, pero serviría.
He took the step, raising his notched steel.
Gorst dio un paso, alzando su acero mellado.
The floor was bare wood, notched and scarred and stained.
El suelo era casi de madera vista, mellado, rugoso y manchado.
His blade was notched like a saw and soaked in blood to the hilt.
La espada de Conan estaba mellada como la de una sierra y empapada de sangre hasta la empuñadura.
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