Translation for "nonorthodox" to spanish
Translation examples
68. The Council of State considered that nonOrthodox pupils have the right to be exempted from participating in manifestations of a religious character, as well as from following the class of religious teaching (Council of State, Judgement No. 3356/95).
68. El Consejo de Estado ha considerado que los alumnos no ortodoxos tienen derecho a no participar en manifestaciones de carácter religioso, y a no asistir a las clases de religión (Consejo de Estado, dictamen Nº 3356/95).
Coming from the more peripheral tribal states, the Mauryan emperors had no strong links with Vedic religion, and were more interested in the nonorthodox sects.
Al venir desde los Estados tribales más periféricos, los emperadores Maurya no tenían lazos estrechos con la religión védica, y estaban más interesados en las sectas no ortodoxas.
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