Translation for "noncommital" to spanish
Translation examples
‘Really?’ Urmila said in a noncommital voice.
-¿Ah, sí? -repuso Urmila en tono evasivo.
“I understand.” He nodded, suddenly noncommital; as though the moment that had just been between them, the moment she had waited so long for, meant nothing to him.
– Asintió, repentinamente evasivo, como si el momento que acababa de pasar entre ellos, el momento que ella había estado aguardando desde hacía tanto tiempo, no significara nada para él.
I was asking Mr. Jiang my usual questions about the Cultural Revolution and he was replying in a rather bland and noncommital way when Mr. Fang began speaking very fast.
Hacía al señor Jiang mis preguntas habituales sobre la Revolución Cultural y me respondía de una manera fofa y evasiva cuando el señor Fang tomó la palabra a toda velocidad.
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