Translation for "no-it" to spanish
Translation examples
- No, it's...
- No, eso es que--
No, it sucks.
- No, eso apesta.
No, it happens.
No, eso pasa.
No, it's impossible!
¡No, eso es imposible!
No, it vibrates.
No, eso vibra.
- Yeah, no, it...
- Ya, no, eso...
No, it was...
No, eso fue...
Memory or no, it seems clear that you and I were born for battle.
Con memoria o sin ella, está claro que ambos nacimos para luchar.
No, it does not make sense. You deserve to know the truth. If you know that your father was not it?
Si yo tuviera esa carta, sería la primera en contárselo, pero sin ella, ¿qué sentido tiene?
No, it's my good luck piece. I never go anywhere without it.
Es mi amuleto de la suerte, nunca salgo sin ella.
Now hair loss or no,it's the head that's messing with the machine.
Con pérdida de cabello o sin ella, es la cabeza la que causa problemas en la máquina.
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