Translation for "no longer belongs" to spanish
No longer belongs
Translation examples
This girl no longer belongs to the royal families
Esta chica ya no pertenece a la Familia Real.
Suddenly he says he no longer belongs to this world.
De pronto dice... que ya no pertenece a este mundo.
Well, it is implied by the fact that you have removed the plaques from the societies to which you no longer belong. In the privacy of your study, only you would know the difference.
Queda implicito en el hecho de que ha retirado los diplomas de las sociedades de las que ya no pertenece en la privacidad de su despacho, solo usted sabria la verdad.
I fear there is one among us who has committed faults of so serious a nature that he no longer belongs here.
Me temo que hay uno entre nosotros que ha cometido faltas tan graves que ya no pertenece aquí.
America no longer belongs to Americans.
Estados Unidos ya no pertenece a los americanos.
It has become a book that can be read, that no longer belongs to its maker.
Se ha convertido en un libro que puede leerse, que ya no pertenece a su hacedor.
You see, my Father, the world no longer belongs to one race or another.
Sabes, padre mío, el mundo ya no pertenece a esta o aquella raza.
He is a little in disgrace at the moment in school, having learned for the first time that the Scots sold Charles the First to the English and having decided that he can no longer belong to such a nation.
Últimamente no le ha ido muy bien en el colegio, porque se ha enterado de que los escoceses vendieron a Carlos I a los ingleses y decidió que ya no pertenece a esta nación.
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