Translation for "near-constant" to spanish
Translation examples
13. For almost three decades, Afghanistan has suffered extraordinary devastation as a result of near constant violent conflict.
Durante casi 30 años, el Afganistán ha sufrido una terrible devastación a causa de conflictos violentos casi constantes.
Forty-seven interminable days of near-constant rain.
47 días interminables de lluvia casi constante.
There's near-constant drinking
There apos; s casi constante potable
Because you're in near-constant pain.
Porque sientes un dolor casi constante.
Shouldn't we be confessing our sins on a near constant basis?"
¿No deberíamos confesar nuestros pecados de forma casi constante?
The near-constant vibration of the high-speed point defense guns.
Y también la vibración casi constante de las armas de defensa en punta de alta velocidad.
Also haunting Fitzgerald was the near-constant threat of Zelda harming herself.
A Fitzgerald también lo obsesionaba la amenaza casi constante de que Zelda se hiciera daño a sí misma.
Existing for three thousand years in a state of near-constant war changes men.
Existir durante tres mil años en un estado de guerra casi constante cambia a las personas.
Despite his puffery and his near-constant picking on her, she liked the boy.
Pese a las ínfulas del chico y al acoso casi constante al que la sometía, Tahnood le gustaba.
The scratch of letters has been near constant, but I didn’t expect the paper to be covered with names.
El roce de las letras ha sido casi constante, pero no esperaba ver el papel cubierto de nombres.
That despite the large and near constant volume of incredibly persuasive evidence to the contrary, nothing much bad was going to happen to us.
—Que pese a la enorme y casi constante cantidad de pruebas que indicaban lo contrario, no iba a pasarnos nada grave.
He thought of his mother and her near-constant pain, and of his surly father and the pain he too often inflicted.
Pensó en su madre y en su dolor casi constante, yen su hosco padre y el dolor que también les infligía a menudo.
This was an alien concept in the hospital, where so many people gave vent to so many emotions on a near constant basis.
Ésa era una actitud extraña en el hospital, donde la gente daba rienda suelta a sus emociones de una forma casi constante.
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