Translation for "multicelled" to spanish
Translation examples
Mature stage multicell cluster.
Clúster multicelular en su última fase.
! You're barely multicelled.
Apenas y eres un organismo multicelular.
as quickly as we sensed a spark of life emanating from these multicelled plant organisms, we also began to sense the death of that spark, as one organism devoured another, or overran it and took its food from it;
tan pronto como percibimos una chispa de vida en esos organismos de plantas multicelulares, empezamos a notar la muerte de esa misma chispa en cuanto un organismo devoraba a otro o se apoderaba de él y le arrebataba la comida.
Then he rolled up his sleeves, took off his tie, and began filling the sink with hot water, watching the detergent foam bubble up under the pressure from the faucet like a multicelled living thing, the compound eye of a huge albino insect.
Luego se remangó la camisa, se quitó la corbata, y empezó a llenar el fregadero de agua caliente, contemplando cómo burbujeaba la espuma del detergente bajo la presión del grifo, semejante a un ser vivo multicelular, el ojo compuesto de un enorme insecto albino.
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