Translation for "mrs clark" to spanish
Mrs clark
Translation examples
sra. clark
65. Mrs. Clarke (Barbados), speaking on agenda item 115, said that her delegation associated itself with the statements made by the representative of Morocco on behalf of the group of 77 and China and by the representative of Antigua and Barbuda on behalf of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM).
La Sra. Clarke (Barbados), refiriéndose al tema 115 del programa, se suma a las declaraciones formuladas por el representante de Marruecos en nombre del Grupo de los 77 y de China, y por el de Antigua y Barbuda en nombre de la Comunidad del Caribe.
Mrs. Clark-Miller.
Sra. Clark-Miller.
Hello, Mrs. Clark?
¿Hola, Sra. Clark?
Sit down, Mrs. Clark.
Siéntese, Sra. Clark.
For me, Mrs. Clark?
¿Para mí, Sra. Clark?
Olá, Mrs. Clark.
Olá, Sra. Clark.
- Goodbye, Mrs Clark.
- Adiós, Sra. Clark.
Send in Mrs. Clark.
- Que entre la Sra. Clark.
Aloha, Mrs. Clark.
Aloha, Sra. Clark.
Mrs. Clark, how are we?
¿Sra.. Clark, cómo está?
Good evening, Mrs. Clark.
Buenas noches, Sra. Clark.
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