Translation for "movements in direction" to spanish
Translation examples
Most of the symbols represented the demons themselves, but a few were symbols indicating movement, travel, directions, and place.
La mayoría de los símbolos representaban a los propios demonios, si bien unos pocos indicaban movimiento, viajes, direcciones y lugares.
Far away, the same bluish-gray color as the chimneys and the roofs, blending into them despite slight movements whose direction, moreover, is difficult to determine because of the distance, two men—chimneysweeps maybe, or roofers—are preparing for the early approach of winter.
Muy lejos, del mismo color gris azulado que las chimeneas y los tejados, confundiéndose con ellos a pesar de algunos movimientos cuya dirección, por otra parte, no se percibe a causa de la distancia, dos hombres —deshollinadores quizás o techadores— preparan la llegada, precoz, del invierno.
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