Translation for "mounted and" to spanish
Mounted and
Translation examples
Binoculars -- tripod mounted
Binoculares montados en trípodes
There are three basic types of containers: truck mounted, trailer mounted and sea containers.
Existen tres tipos básicos de contenedores: montados sobre camiones, montados sobre remolques y marítimos.
There are three basic types: truck mounted; trailer mounted; and sea containers.
Hay tres tipos básicos: montados sobre camiones; montados sobre remolques, y contenedores marítimos.
He is a woman you have mounted and had your way with.
Es una mujer a la que han montado y de la que se han aprovechado.
And you love to be mounted and humped.
Y te encanta ser montada y follada.
Mounted and controlled off location can turn one man into... A one-man army.
Montado y controlado a distancia, puede convertir a un hombre en la armada de un sólo hombre.
Give a full extraction unit, I'll have this thing... mounted and stuffed on the colonel's wall. lt 's not working.
Denme una unidad de extracción, y pondré a esa cosa... montada y embalsamada en la pared del coronel. No funciona.
But I was mounted, and had the choice of firing offhand, or dismounting to shoot from rest, which would allow Chelmsford to augment the distance.
Pero estaba montado, y tenía la opción de disparar a la ligera o desmontar y disparar apoyado. Lo que permitiría a Chelmsford aumentar la distancia.
- Hey, we're mounted and ready.
- Hey, estamos montados y listos.
External frustrations mounted and triggered internal animosity. When women were isolated from the rest of society... and marginalized on account of being- feminism, this infighting started to take place.
Frustraciones externas montadas y la animosidad interna provocada cuando se aislaron las mujeres del resto de la sociedad ... y marginadas a causa del ser-feminista, esta lucha interna comenzó a tener lugar.
It was mounted on hinges.
Estaba montado sobre goznes.
The guards are mounted;
Los guardias ya han montado;
It was a mounted Silfen.
Era un silfen montado.
It was mounted on a stalk.
Estaba montado sobre una caña.
They remained mounted.
Permanecieron montados.
“He has not mounted me.”
—No me ha montado.
How many are mounted?
¿Cuántos tienen montados?
Foix was already mounted.
Foix ya estaba montado.
The friar was already mounted.
El fraile ya había montado.
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