Translation for "mountebank" to spanish
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I bought an unction of a mountebank... so mortal that, if I but scratch him, it will mean death.
He comprado una mezcla a un saltimbanqui... tan mortal que, si lo araño tan sólo, he de matarlo.
In that year of grace 1969, the scrupulously neutral and objective British Broadcasting Corporation committed that old fraud and mountebank, Malcolm Muggeridge, to pay a devotional visit to the Calcutta shrine.
En el año de gracia de 1969, la escrupulosamente neutral y objetiva British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) comisionó al viejo fraude y saltimbanqui de Malcolm Muggeridge, para que hiciera una visita al santuario de Calcuta.
A mountebank, that's what you are!
¡Un saltimbanqui! ¡Eso es lo que eres!
on the other, a mountebank.
por el otro un saltimbanqui.
He was considered a clever mountebank and a good doctor.
se le consideraba un buen saltimbanqui y un buen médico;
“There are other alchemists in this city…I don’t need you, you…mountebank.”
—Hay otras maneras de proveerse en París… No te necesito… saltimbanqui.
Donne was a mountebank who wrapped up his lack of meaning in hard words.
Donne era un saltimbanqui que disfrazaba su vacuidad con palabras difíciles.
With that exception their success became so great that no mountebank memory could recall its parallel.
Fuera de eso, el éxito fue tan grande que ningún saltimbanqui recordaba nada parecido.
But to take me for a mountebank like herself—that was her first and fatal folly. For I too am real.
Pero suponer que yo soy un saltimbanqui como ella…, ésa fue su primera y fatal locura. Porque yo también soy real.
he had played his mountebank platform against his seat in the Lords; for the applause which was his he had gained insult.
su tablado de saltimbanqui contra un asiento de lord, y ganado la imprecación.
Better I had leaped in the sea, I thought, before I made myself a mountebank for scum like these.
Más me valía saltar al mar, pensé, antes que hacer de saltimbanqui ante semejante canalla.
These problems the child solved with an instinct which would have made him the admiration of apes and mountebanks.
El niño resolvía esos problemas con un instinto del que habría tomado nota un mono y una ciencia que habría admirado un saltimbanqui.
Their attitude seemed to imply that she was a kind of conversational mountebank, attired, intellectually, in gauze and spangles.
Su actitud parecía implicar que Eugenia era algo así como un saltimbanqui de la conversación, adornada de gasas y lentejuelas intelectuales.
The poet whom the Reverend Proctor loved best and from whose facile, flat verse he quoted oftenest, as “very apples of gold with pictures of silver,” was Mr. George Wither, a Puritan—he to whom old Ben Jonson had denied the title of poet, naming him “a mountebank of wit and scorn of all the Muses,” because he wrote merely to suit the capacity of the rabble. Mr.
El poeta preferido del reverendo Proctor y cuyos versos fáciles y llanos más a menudo recitaba por ser «como manzanas de oro con dibujos de plata» era George Wither, un puritano, el mismo al que el viejo Ben Jonson había negado el título de poeta, llamándole «un saltabancos de ingenio y desdén de todas las musas», porque escribía únicamente para satisfacer la chusma.
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