Translation for "mother-figure" to spanish
Translation examples
The consequences of this are children who grow up without the mother figure; and a population deficit in which in women have just two children at most.
Las consecuencias de esto son niños que se educan sin la figura materna y un déficit poblacional que nos lleva a que las mujeres no tengan más de dos hijos, en el mejor de los casos.
In 58 single-parent families (divorced, separated, etc.) it was usually the mother figure who was most ready to talk with the children.
En los hogares monoparentales (58), es en general la figura materna la más dispuesta al diálogo en las familias afectadas por divorcio, separación, etc.
Becoming a woman with... with no mother figure.
Convertirte en mujer sin ninguna figura materna.
Toby, I'd like you to meet your new mother figure, Andrea.
Toby, te presento a tu nueva figura materna.
I have thought of Yem-ma as my mother figure!
¡Consideraba a Gemma como mi figura materna!
It's a woman, a mother figure I think.
Es una mujer, una figura materna, creo.
Who taught me not to trust mother figures.
Que me enseñó a no confiar en figuras maternas.
- She sees you as a mother figure. - I didn't ask for that.
Usted aparece como una figura materna.
He needs a mother figure.
Necesita una figura materna.
like a mother figure to them.
Una especie de... figura materna para ellos.
And why Mayvar for my mother figure-and not you? She was right.
¿Y por qué Mayvar como figura materna para mí… y no tú? Ella era correcta.
He never struck out at Nana, the mother figure.
No hizo ni un solo gesto de atacar a Nana, la figura materna.
I only trained at Generic college as a mother figure in domestic potboilers.
En la Universidad Genérica me prepararon como figura materna de bodrios hogareños.
He said, What did I suggest, a mother-figure for each shed of fifty boys?
Él me preguntó qué proponía yo, ¿una figura materna para cada cobertizo de cincuenta chicos?
And Heloise had no mother figure to replace her with, except the people who worked at the hotel.
La niña no contaba con ninguna figura materna para sustituirla, salvo las empleadas del hotel.
We can tell that they lived in a society well accustomed to strong, assertive mother figures.
Podemos saber que vivieron en una sociedad habituada a unas figuras maternas fuertes, resueltas.
And she, as its mother figure, was probably more sensitive and more hurt by what she saw than her men, her children.
Y ella, como figura materna, probablemente sentía más, estaba más herida —por lo que veía— que sus hombres, sus niños.
To Joshua it was as if somebody had turned his life’s chief mother-figure into a terminator robot.
Para Joshua era como si alguien hubiera convertido a la principal figura materna de su vida en un robot estilo Terminator.
She wondered if mother figures made him uncomfortable, since he hadn’t had one, which made her sad for him.
Se preguntaba si las figuras maternas lo incomodaban puesto que había crecido sin madre, lo cual era muy triste—.
In her line of work, everyone she encountered started by thinking of her as a helper, champion, or even mother figure.
En su línea de trabajo, cada que conocía a alguien, empezaba por considerarla una auxiliar, defensora o hasta figura materna.
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