Translation for "mean losing" to spanish
Translation examples
For many female workers, becoming pregnant means losing their job.
Para muchas trabajadoras, el quedarse encinta significa perder su empleo.
This does not mean losing focus on what is specific to AIDS.
Esto no significa perder de vista lo que es inherente al SIDA.
Even if it means losing our careers... or going to prison.
Incluso si significa perder nuestras carreras... o ir a prisión.
And that means losing the other husband!
¡Y eso significa perder al otro marido!
Which means losing, let's see, the enzyme and your immunity.
Lo que significa perder, vamos a ver, la enzima y su inmunidad.
even if it means losing the unit.
No sueltes el objeto, incluso si esto significa perder la unidad.
Losing Omsk means losing the army.
Perder Omsk significa perder el Ejército.
Even if it means losing people like you.
Incluso si significa perder a gente como tú.
And if saying no means losing my job, then I'll do it.
Y si negarme significa perder mi trabajo, entonces lo haré.
Even if it means losing out on a record deal.
Incluso si significa perder un contrato discográfico.
Waiting here, Maggie, can mean losing quite a lot of business.
Maggie, esperar aquí significa perder mucha clientela.
I don't want to grow up if it means losing what we have.
No quiero crecer, si eso significa perder lo nuestro.
Losing your wits doesn’t mean losing your wit, eh?”
Perder tu ser, no significa perder tu ingenio, ¿eh?
I know that sometimes going by the book means losing an arrest.
ya sé que, a veces, seguir a rajatabla el reglamento significa perder un arresto.
If it means losing the case, of having Kelno paid off, Father would suffer more than if he took the stand.
Si significa perder el proceso y tener que pagar una indemnización a Kelno, mi padre sufrirá más que si sube al estrado.
In addition, indigenous women and girls often face additional barriers in their attempts to report violence to authorities or press charges against perpetrators because, for example, it could mean losing a breadwinner or a main source of subsistence if the man is the one in charge of providing it through traditional livelihoods such as hunting or fishing.
Además, las mujeres y las niñas indígenas a menudo se enfrentan a obstáculos adicionales cuando tratan de denunciar la violencia a las autoridades o presentar cargos contra los autores de la agresión, porque, por ejemplo, eso podría significar perder al sostén de la familia o una fuente principal de subsistencia si el hombre es el encargado de proporcionarla con métodos tradicionales como la caza o la pesca.
Destruction, however, can mean losing an election, which politicians invariably try to avoid.
La destrucción, sin embargo, puede significar perder elecciones, lo que los políticos invariablemente tratan de evitar.
This could mean losing historically irreplaceable moments in the shared heritage of the United Nations.
Ello podría significar perder momentos históricamente insustituibles del patrimonio común de las Naciones Unidas.
This could mean losing girlfriends, wives, relatives, jobs.
Esto puede significar perder novias, esposas, familia, trabajo.
It will mean losing your conscious memory of a lot of this that you have seen out here.
Significará perder la memoria consciente de mucho de lo que has visto ahí fuera.
He splayed his hand at the small of my back, holding me tightly, driving me to sink my fingers deeper into him, clinging to him as if letting go would mean losing part of myself. “Nora?”
Me apretó contra su pecho y me aferré a él, como si soltarlo significara perder una parte de mí misma. —¿Nora?
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