Translation for "me buy" to spanish
Translation examples
You getting punched in the face, me buying a ring... romance is really in the air, is it not?
A ti te golpean el rostro, yo compro un anillo... Realmente el romance está en el aire.
A guy like me buys a car like this, that's got blood stains.
Un hombre como yo compra un auto así, que tiene manchas de sangre.
A: Me me me, buy buy buy, party party party.
R: Yo yo yo, compra compra compra, fiesta fiesta fiesta.
And you, who buys everything so easy, just let me buy mine.
Y tú, que tan fácilmente lo compras todo, deja al menos que yo me compre a mí misma.
What do you say when we get off work, why don't you let me buy you a drink, Terry the Marine, so I can thank you for your service?
¿Qué dices si cuando salgamos, dejo que me compres un trago Terry, el marine, así puedo agradecerte por tus servicios?
If they refuse to give me, buy me.
Si no quieren regalarme, me compras.
my perfect guy compliments me, buys me present and comes when I call.
Mi hombre ideal, me halaga, me compra regalos y viene cuando lo llamo.
It's 2015, bitch, and EBT ain't even trying to let me buy smokes anymore.
Estamos en 2015, zorra, y EBT ni siquiera trata de dejar que me compre cigarrillos.
My girlfriend's got me buying every goddamned thing here.
mi novia me compra cada maldita cosa
Can you help me buy 4D?
¿Me compra 4D?
She me buy this watch.
Ella me compro este reloj.
She had me buy up a bunch of rundown properties in Newark, put them in a trust where she was a secret sole beneficiary.
Ella me compro un montón de propiedades deteriorados en Newark, ponerlos en un fideicomiso donde ella estaba un único beneficiario secreto.
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