Translation for "marsh-mallow" to spanish
Translation examples
—Stop bothering me. The yellow moons are also marsh-mallows.
—Deja de darme la lata. Las lunas amarillas también son malvavisco.
In the back was the chapel with its little marsh-mallow-blue towers, like a kindergarten converted into a church.
Al fondo, la capilla alzaba sus pequeñas torres color azul malvavisco, como un kindergarten convertido en iglesia.
Since it was a warm afternoon, they had built no fire in the old fireplace, and the childhood practice of burned marsh-mallows and blackened frankfurters was in the distant past, as were such gaucheries as terming themselves “the wolf pack.”
Puesto que era una tarde calurosa, no habían encendido fuego en la vieja chimenea, y la práctica infantil de asar malvavisco y ahumar salchichas pertenecía al distante pasado, de igual modo que tonterías tales como llamarse «manada de lobos».
We are having round steak pounded and floured and cooked in the oven, mashed potatoes with gravy, boiled parsnips, cabbage salad, biscuits, raisin cookies, crab-apple preserves, pumpkin pie with marsh-mallow topping.
Hay filete redondo machacado y enharinado y guisado al horno, puré de patatas con salsa, chirivías cocidas, ensalada de col, pan tostado, galletas de pasas, compota de manzana silvestre, tarta de calabaza con un baño de malvavisco.
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