Translation for "maritally" to spanish
Translation examples
(a) The spouse of a person who is entitled to the right is taken to mean a person who has been living maritally with that person for at least one full year;
a) Respecto de los cónyuges de los titulares del derecho, procede señalar que a los mismos se asimilan quienes convivan maritalmente con aquéllos durante al menos un año ininterrumpido;
Bobbi Coker and Andy walked in on us being together maritally.
Bobbi Coker y Andy nos vieron juntos maritalmente.
But, you know, not all of us roll that way maritally.
Pero, ya sabes, no todos Envolvamos, de esa manera maritalmente.
Physically, romantically, maritally?
¿Físicamente? ¿Románticamente? ¿Maritalmente?
- Yes. romantically as well as maritally.
Tanto romántica como maritalmente.
He’d mastered the technique of cuckolding Priam, psychologically as well as maritally;
Wallace había dominado la técnica de ponerle los cuernos a Priam, tanto psicológica como maritalmente;
He was living, in marital relations, with a woman with whom he wanted to spare Luc contact.
Vivía maritalmente con una mujer de cuyo contacto quería alejar a Lucas.
Vimes wasn’t an expert on flowers, and when he bought them for Sybil, at maritally advisable intervals, he generally stuck to a bunch of roses, or its seemingly acceptable equivalent, one single orchid.
Vimes no era experto en flores, y cuando las compraba para Sybil a intervalos maritalmente aconsejables, por lo general se limitaba al ramillete de rosas o su equivalente, al parecer aceptable, de una sola orquídea.
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