Translation for "manufacture" to spanish
Translation examples
We're gonna manufacture bullets here.
Vamos a fabricar balas aquí.
- But I manufacture harmless toys!
- Pero fabricar juguetes inofensivos!
She can manufacture a vaccine...
Puede fabricar una vacuna...
Transfer it to manufacture.
Transferirlo a fabricar.
And what manufacturing idea?
Y ¿fabricar cuál idea?
To manufacturing our own destinies.
para fabricar nustros propios destinos
-Manufacturing that many solar cells.
- Fabricar los paneles solares
We can't manufacture sympathy.
No podemos fabricar simpatía.
Do 10 years for manufacturing?
¿Pasar 10 años por fabricar?
Manufacture thrusters?
¿Fabricar propulsores?
You can't manufacture it.
No se puede fabricar.
And he could manufacture bombs.
Y sabía fabricar bombas.
But it's programmed to manufacture surprises;
Pero está programada para fabricar sorpresas;
I can't manufacture evidence."
No puedo fabricar pruebas.
You mean manufacturing evidence.
Se refiere a fabricar pruebas.
Germany had to manufacture and trade to survive.
Para sobrevivir, tenía que fabricar y comerciar.
They certainly don't spend it on manufacturing plumbing pipes.
—Desde luego, no en fabricar cañerías.
Getting Used to Violence Manufacturing Threats
Instituir la violencia Fabricar amenazas
And hospitals/manufacturing.
Y hospitales/manufactura.
- Manufacture with intent.
- Manufactura con intención.
How's the manufacture coming along?
¿Cómo va esa manufactura?
Its illegal importation and manufacture.
Su manufactura e importación ilegal.
Not manufacturing business.
- Tony... - No en manufactura.
One manufacturer's cool coral is another manufacturer's azure.
El Coral frío de una manufactura es el Azulino de otra manufactura.
It's about restoring manufacturing...
Acerca de restaurar la manufactura...
- You're talking about manufacturing...
- Estás hablando sobre manufactura...
not in the engineering or manufacturing end.
nada de manufactura ni ingeniería.
It is of Fremen manufacture,
Es de manufactura Fremen —observó—.
And it was obviously of Thek manufacture.
Y era obviamente de manufactura thek.
It is vital to the manufacture of torcs.
Es vital para la manufactura de los torques.
They have nothing to do with manufacturing then?
—Entonces, ¿no tiene nada que ver con la manufactura?
Tip Manufactures a Pumpkinhead
1 - Tip Manufactures a Pumpkinhead
We let our manufacturing go.
Dejamos que la manufactura decaiga.
I was out of the manufacturing business.
En ese momento me salí del negocio de manufactura.
Manufacture of handbags and similar items
Fábricas de carteras y otros
11. Mizan Machinery Manufacturing: Mizan Machinery Manufacturing (3M) is owned or controlled by, or acts on behalf of, SHIG.
Fábrica de Maquinaria Mizan: La Fábrica de Maquinaria Mizan (3M) es propiedad del SHIG, está controlada por este o actúa en su nombre.
(a) manufactures or transfers, whether or not for consideration, or
a) Fabrica o transfiere, sea o no contra el pago de una compensación, o
Construction of Steiger manufacturing
Construcción de una fábrica Steiger
Jamaica does not manufacture arms or ammunition.
Jamaica no fabrica armamento ni municiones.
Manufacture of paper and cardboard
Fábricas de papel y cartón
They're manufacturer overruns.
Son... excedentes de fábrica.
What... you manufacture?
¿Qué ... usted fabrica?
Omicron manufactured it.
Omicron es quien lo fabricó.
- l manufacture computers.
- Yo fabrico ordenadores.
- The Tobacco Manufacture.
- La fábrica de tabaco.
Arms manufacturers, military...
Fábricas de armas, militares...
There was no manufacturing defect.
No era un defecto de fábrica.
"It's manufactured in Italy.
—Se fabrica en Italia.
"A manufacturing plant," she said.
—Una fábrica —respondió—.
What it does manufacture is made to last.
Lo que se fabrica es duradero.
“I’m asking who manufactured it.”
Pregunto quién la fabricó.
Her father manufactures laxatives.
Su padre fabrica laxantes.
A specialist paint manufacturer in Oldham.
Una fábrica de pintura en Oldham.
They manufacture … stuff, locally.
Fabrican…, bueno, es una fábrica de por aquí.
There were no manufacturers' markings on any of them.
No había marcas de fábrica en ninguno de ellos.
All the States of South Asia have made unilateral declarations, at the highest levels, pledging themselves not to acquire, develop or manufacture nuclear weapons.
Todos los Estados del Asia meridional han hecho declaraciones unilaterales, a los niveles más altos, comprometiéndose a no adquirir, desarrollar o manufacturar armas nucleares.
- It does not provide assistance of any kind to groups attempting to purchase, acquire, manufacture, transport, borrow or use nuclear or other weapons.
- No presta asistencia alguna a grupos de cualquier índole que pretendan adquirir, manufacturar, poseer, transportar, prestar o utilizar armas nucleares o de otro tipo;
Chemicals should be manufactured, imported, exported, processed, transported, distributed in commerce, used and disposed of in ways that protect human health and the environment.
Es preciso manufacturar, importar, exportar, procesar, transportar, distribuir comercialmente, utilizar y eliminar los productos químicos en formas que protejan la salud humana y el medio ambiente.
Mining provides basic raw materials without which most goods could not be manufactured and much of the world's energy could not be supplied.
La minería aporta las materias primas sin las cuales no se podría manufacturar la mayoría de las mercancías ni suministrar gran parte de la energía mundial.
They help to manufacture and plant improvised explosive devices, and to transport provisions.
Los niños ayudan a manufacturar y colocar artefactos explosivos improvisados y a trasportar suministros.
In other words, if that party supplied a large part of the materials necessary for the manufacture of the goods, the contract might be considered a construction contract.
En otras palabras, si esa parte suministraba una gran parte de los materiales necesarios para manufacturar las mercaderías, el contrato podría considerarse un contrato de construcción.
Secondly, article II obliges non-nuclear-weapon States not to manufacture or otherwise acquire nuclear weapons.
Por su parte, el artículo II obliga a los Estados no poseedores de armas nucleares a no manufacturar ni adquirir de ninguna otra forma armas nucleares.
The provision does not provide a specific criterion to be used in determining when the materials supplied by the buyer constitute a "substantial part" of the goods necessary to manufacture or produce the goods.
La disposición no establece un criterio específico que sirva para determinar cuándo los materiales proporcionados por el comprador constituyen una "parte sustancial" de los necesarios para manufacturar o producir las mercaderías.
Establishment of a list of countries that do not manufacture for
Establecimiento de una lista de países que no desean manufacturar
I think what you are manufacturing a feeling, you want
Creo que lo que puedes es manufacturar un sentimiento, el que tú quieras
We should manufacture the authentic Christian revolution.
Deberíamos manufacturar la auténtica revolución cristiana.
I want to manufacture a miracle. Now do you understand?
Quiero manufacturar un milagro. ¿Ahora lo entiendes?
Now we have enough money to manufacture and sell with nearly 200 workers...
Ahora hay suficiente dinero para manufacturar y vender con casi 200 trabajadores...
Who would have the know-how to manufacture something like this?
¿Quién tendría el conocimiento para manufacturar algo como eso?
It's highly volatile, and it's very difficult to manufacture.
Es altamente volátil, Y es muy difícil de manufacturar.
Bruce also did have big plans to manufacture street cars, road cars.
Bruce también tenía grandes planes para manufacturar autos urbanos.
You really think you can manufacture love?
¿En verdad crees que puedes manufacturar el amor?
Quite a leap to meth manufacturing.
Un verdadero salto a manufacturar metanfetaminas.
No, you would have to manufacture the animal from scratch.
No, habría que manufacturar al animal desde cero.
We can manufacture in different ways.
Podemos manufacturar de diferentes maneras.
Which of these could be manufactured locally?
¿Cuáles se podían manufacturar allí mismo?, se planteaba.
I have given thought to the product which we shall manufacture.
He estado pensando en el producto que debemos manufacturar.
These little gas capsules are the only hard part to manufacture.
Estas capsulitas de gas son lo único difícil de manufacturar.
‘How can they manufacture these things so fast?’
¿Cómo pueden manufacturar estas cosas con tanta rapidez?
But there were reasons for this, and manufacturing soil was proving to be extremely difficult.
Pero esto tenía su razón de ser, y manufacturar suelo era extremadamente difícil.
Stratton explained his plans for manufacturing affordable engines.
Stratton le explicó sus planes para manufacturar motores baratos.
but why not carry the process to the next step, and manufacture androids?
pero ¿por qué no llevar el proceso un paso más allá, y manufacturar androides?
It would need a sophisticated technology to manufacture things like that.
Se necesita una tecnología sofisticada para manufacturar cosas como ésas.
Manufacture of tobacco
Elaboración de productos de tabaco
Nogaro, the pharmaceuticals manufacturer.
Nogaro, el de los productos farmacéuticos.
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