Translation for "mansard roof" to spanish
Mansard roof
Translation examples
A two-story mansard roof.
Un tejado de dos pisos con mansardas.
'It's a mansard roof. Black slate.
'It's a mansard roof. Black slate.
and the mansard roof, edged with a low, crumbling parapet.
y de las mansardas rodeadas por un bajo y desmoronado parapeto.
Outside there's a mansard roof against a blue sky.
Outside there's a mansard roof against a blue sky.
Her house was a shingled triple-decker with a slate-covered mansard roof.
Su casa era una construcción de tres plantas con tejado de pizarra a la mansarda.
There were four stories and a French mansard roof, but he still saw no sign of lights in the front.
Tenía cuatro plantas y una mansarda, pero no vio ni rastro de luces en la parte delantera.
Although the building was not huge, the mansard roof and stone construction gave it grandeur beyond size.
El edificio no era muy grande, pero el tejado en mansarda y la construcción en piedra le daban una grandeza superior a su tamaño.
The mansard-roofed structure was part of an old estate, and the previous owners had let it run down.
El techo mansarda era parte de una vieja finca, que los anteriores propietarios habían dejado que se arruinase.
The house must have looked Georgian on the blueprint, three stories high, with a mansard roof.
La casa debía de ser de estilo georgiano en los planos, de tres plantas con desván y cubierta mansarda.
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