Translation for "manichaeanism" to spanish
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Orphism, Mithraism, Manichaeanism, Gnosticism.
Orfismo, mistraísmo, maniqueísmo, gnosticismo.
“It is called Manichaeanism, and the Diet did not readmit it.” He swallowed.
La llaman maniqueísmo y el Concilio la repudió una vez más. — Tragó saliva —.
A novel about emotional dysfunction, however, is reduced to a Manichaeanism of utility.
Sin embargo, una novela sobre una disfunción emocional se reduce a un maniqueísmo de utilidad.
However, as has been said, Tolkien was careful to voice rebuttals of Manichaeanism several times and in several ways.
No obstante, como se ha dicho antes, Tolkien puso mucho cuidado en hacerse eco de las refutaciones del maniqueísmo en varias ocasiones y de diversas maneras.
In his youth, Augustine had been seduced by the Manichaeans, whose doctrine proclaimed that the universe was the fruit of two independent principles, Good and Evil, permanently in conflict.
En su juventud lo había seducido el maniqueísmo, que proclamaba que el universo es fruto de dos principios independientes, el Bien y el Mal, en permanente conflicto.
Not part of the U.S. political world but from a moral world that transcended it, I was caught between my leftist convictions and my personal ethics, which rejected facile Manichaeanism and, above all, the slightest hint of Pharisaism.
Yo, que no formaba parte del mundo político norteamericano, pero sí de un mundo moral que lo rebasaba, luchaba entre mis convicciones de izquierda y mi ética personal contraria a todo maniqueísmo fácil y sobre todo, a la menor sospecha de fariseísmo.
The danger of this opinion is that it swerves towards being a heresy, Manichaeanism, or Dualism: the belief that the world is a battlefield, between the powers of Good and Evil, equal and opposite – so that, one might say, there is no real difference between them, and it is a matter of chance which side one happens to choose.
El peligro que entraña esta visión es que vira hacia la herejía, el maniqueísmo o el dualismo: la creencia de que el mundo es un campo de batalla entre los poderes del Bien y el Mal, iguales y opuestos;
The Inklings, as it happens, may have had a certain tolerance for Manichaeanism – in Mere Christianity II/2 Lewis awards Dualism second place, so to speak, after Christianity, before going on to make the case against it – but Tolkien certainly less than Lewis.
Es posible que los Inklings, y así fue, tuvieran cierta tolerancia por el maniqueísmo —en Mero cristianismo II, 2, Lewis concede al dualismo el segundo lugar, por así decirlo, después del cristianismo, antes de seguir criticándolo— pero lo cierto es que Tolkien lo hacía menos que Lewis.
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