Translation for "mancinus" to spanish
  • mancino
Translation examples
Tribune Mancinus, sir.
—Tribuno Mancino, señor.
Mancinus smiled back.
Mancino le devolvió la sonrisa.
Mancinus shouted to the crowd.
– gritaba Mancino a la multitud-.
He turned back to Mancinus.
Se volvió a mirar a Mancino.
‘Livy?’ Mancinus shrugged.
—¿Tito Livio? —Mancino se encogió de hombros—.
Mancinus shook his head wryly.
Mancino meneó la cabeza con gesto irónico.
These were the men who had been following Mancinus.
Aquellos eran los hombres que habían estado siguiendo a Mancino desde Gobannio.
‘What do you want the draught animals for?’ Mancinus asked.
—¿Para qué quiere los animales de tiro? —le preguntó Mancino.
Mancinus made his way over to Cato and offered his hand.
Mancino se acercó a Cato y le tendió la mano.
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