Translation for "man with face" to spanish
Translation examples
Sitting patiently at the foot of her bed was a man. His face was familiar.
Sentado pacientemente a los pies de la cama había un hombre cuya cara le era familiar.
In a corner, in the company of a woman, he saw a man whose face he didn’t like.
Veía en un rincón, en compañía de una mujer, a un hombre cuya cara no le gustaba.
And she knew, immediately and with utter certainty, that this was the man whose face had appeared to Ian.
Inmediatamente supo, sin ninguna duda, que era el hombre cuya cara se le aparecía a Ian.
This one was hoodless—a man, his face so thin that his cheekbones seemed to be digging through his skin.
Iba sin capucha y era un hombre, su cara tan enjuta que parecía que los pómulos fueran a partirle la piel.
He looked more hound than man, his face puffy and pink, his eyes sad and bloodshot.
Parecía más un sabueso que un hombre, la cara hinchada y sonrosada, los ojos tristes e inyectados en sangre.
“The ladies of the Adamant Citadel do not leave their island to truck in gossip,” said another man, narrow-faced as a ferret.
—Las damas de la Ciudadela Irredenta no dejan su isla para intercambiar chismorreos —dijo otro hombre, de cara estrecha como un tejón—.
"Rot," replied the man, whose face I could not see, over his shoulder in a good-humoured booming bass.
“Tonterías”, replicó a su espalda el hombre cuya cara no podía ver, con voz fuerte y alegre. “Tonterías.
It was better this way, more poetic, more Russian, that a man whose face she'd never know found her beautiful and desirable.
Era mejor de esa manera, más poético, más ruso; que un hombre cuya cara ella nunca había visto, la encontrara hermosa y deseable.
Poor man, his face: so grey.)
Pobre hombre: tiene la cara de color gris).
"What, then?" "Mark said a man wearing face paint fired at him.
–¿Entonces qué? –Mark dijo que un hombre con la cara pintada le disparó.
       The man, still facing the Countess, said, 'The Lady Fuchsia is drowned.'
El hombre, aún de cara a la condesa, dijo: —Lady Fucsia se ha ahogado.
showed a crude carving of a man, his face shadowy; his hair dark.
era un rudimentario retrato de un hombre con la cara ensombrecida y el pelo oscuro.
He was a friendly man, round-faced, round-waisted and invariably cheerful.
Era un hombre agradable, de cara redonda y cintura redondeada, que siempre estaba alegre.
The figure was that of a tall man, white-faced, haggard, a fringe of beard on his chin.
Era la figura de un hombre alto, de cara pálida, macilento, con una barba rala en la barbilla.
He was a heavy man whose face had sagged and set long ago.
Era un hombre pesado, cuya cara se había hundido tiempo atrás quedándose así definitivamente.
And Ruth was a child in the arms of the Hooded Man, her face eerily lit from underneath by the computer screen.
Y Ruth era una niña en brazos del Hombre Encapuchado, su cara espectralmente iluminada desde abajo por la pantalla de la computadora.
The poor man, his face grey, was staring up at the two whales who were cruising gently near the roof of the cave.
El pobre hombre, con la cara gris, estaba mirando las dos ballenas que navegaban suavemente cerca del techo de la cueva.
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