Translation for "made entirely of" to spanish
Translation examples
You're like a cat, or a man made entirely of feet.
Eres como un gato o un hombre hecho completamente de pies.
It's a suit made entirely of sweat suit material.
Es un traje hecho completamente de algodón.
Made entirely of venetian cut glass, blessed by the holy Father himself,
Hecha completamente de vidrio veneciano, bendecido por el mismo Santo Padre.
She's made entirely of ice, of brilliant, sparkling ice, but she's alive.
Está hecha completamente de hielo, de brillante y centellante hielo, pero vive.
Dude, that owl is made entirely of cinnamon.
Tío, este búho está hecho completamente de canela.
Some made entirely of water.
Algunos hechos completamente de agua.
You will notice earthbenders, that this rig is made entirely of metal.
Habrán notado mis maestros tierra, que esta plataforma está hecha completamente de acero
It's a giant portrait of them, but it's made entirely of chocolate.
Es un retrato gigante de ellos, pero está hecho completamente de chocolate.
Soon your heart will be made entirely of ice!
¡Pronto tu corazón estará hecho completamente de hielo!
She was made entirely out of words.
Estaba hecha completamente de palabras.
Cars are made entirely of steel.
Los coches están hechos completamente de acero.
The real bridge is made entirely of pine.
El puente auténtico está hecho completamente de pino.
There, sitting on a stump, was a woman made entirely of ivy.
Allí, sentada en un tocón, estaba una mujer hecha completamente de hiedra.
the Jewel, seated at the palace heart and made entirely of glass;
el de Cristal, ubicado en el corazón del palacio y hecho completamente de vidrio;
Lorenzo led the way into a smaller room, again made entirely of steel.
Lorenzo lo condujo a una sala más pequeña, de nuevo hecha completamente de acero.
Tonight’s festivities were being held in the Jewel Hall, a ballroom made entirely of glass.
Las festividades de esta noche tenían lugar en el Salón del Cristal, una pista de baile hecha completamente de vidrio.
It was a strange room, its outer walls and sloping ceiling made entirely of glass panels.
Era una extraña habitación, cuyas paredes exteriores y techo en pendiente estaban hechos completamente de paneles de cristal.
One of the first homes built in the Himba village of Osemba, the Root was made entirely of stone.
Hecha completamente de piedra, la Raíz fue una de las primeras casas en ser construida en la población himba de Osemba.
It was still perfectly upright, appeared to be made entirely from glass, was a hundred and fifty metres tall and shaped like a kind of upwardly stretched sphere.
parecía estar hecha completamente de cristal, medía ciento cincuenta metros y tenía la forma de una especie de esfera alargada.
I'm not made entirely of stone.
No estoy hecho enteramente de piedra.
I do have a tie made entirely of beef jerky.
Tengo una corbata hecha enteramente de ternera, idiota.
“Ranette, it’s a revolver made entirely of aluminum!”
¡Ranette, es un revólver hecho enteramente de aluminio!
It just reared above him, ridge beyond ridge, and higher up it seemed made entirely of rock.
La montaña se elevaba crestón tras crestón, y más arriba parecía estar hecha enteramente de roca.
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