Translation for "macedonian-persian" to spanish
Translation examples
This is what must be done: you will immediately verify the allegations made in this document against the people mentioned, whether they be of Macedonian, Persian or Median race.
Verificarás inmediatamente el fundamento de las acusaciones mencionadas en este documento contra las personas indicadas, ya sean macedonias, persas o medas.
At city after city the mingled host of the escort, Macedonian, Persian, Egyptian, set up its tents about the tabernacle of the dead god, from whose divinity Ptolemy, Saviour-Pharaoh to be, would later derive his own.
En una ciudad tras otra las huestes mezcladas de la escolta -macedonios, persas y egipcios- montaban sus tiendas en torno al tabernáculo del dios muerto, de cuya divinidad Tolomeo, aspirante a faraón salvador, extraería la propia.
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