Translation for "luminaire" to spanish
Translation examples
The inhabitants will have a wind power generating installation (70 units in all), a battery bank, luminaires, a radio receiver and a food storage facility, at an installed cost of approximately $3,200.
Los pobladores contarán con un generador eólico (en total 70), un banco de baterías, luminarias, un radio receptor y una conservadora de alimentos, cuyo costo aproximado del equipo instalado es de $ 3.200.
You've lured the luminaire right into our stratagem.
El luminario vino como planeamos.
Um, Master Jim, you said this was a luminaire, when that is obviously an infernal hellheeti.
Maese Jim, no es un luminario, sino un Hidrante de Hellheeti.
We need that luminaire right now!
¡Necesitamos esa luminaria ahora mismo!
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