Translation for "loving wife" to spanish
Translation examples
He has a lovely wife named Ramina.
Tiene una esposa amorosa, se llama Ramina.
You were a good and loving wife.
Fuiste una esposa amorosa.
I have been blessed with a loving wife... two remarkable daughters.
Tengo la bendición de tener una esposa amorosa... y dos hijas extraordinarias.
A loving wife, a newborn boy - what more could any man ask for?
Una esposa amorosa, un niño recién nacido - ¿Qué más podría un hombre pedir?
How can you tell a loving wife from a frightened one?
¿Cómo obtienes una esposa amorosa de una temerosa?
For once, you will devote yourself as a loving wife and settle down to the task in hand, providing him with an heir.
Por una vez, dedícate a ser una esposa amorosa y concéntrate en la tarea pendiente: procrear un heredero.
A loving wife ... and the most beautiful daughter in the world has never seen .
Una esposa amorosa. Y la hija mas hermosa que el mundo haya podido ver.
A loving wife was loving;
Una esposa amorosa era amorosa;
What's your excuse, Oh loyal and loving wife?
¿Cuál es tu excusa, mi fiel y querida esposa?
Apparently, your lovely wife.
Aparentemente, tu querida esposa.
My lovely wife, Lucille.
A mi querida esposa Lucille.
It was a birthday gift from my lovely wife --
Fue un regalo de cumpleaños de mi querida esposa...
Hey, my lovely wife, huh?
Oh, mi querida esposa...
My lovely wife, Emma.
Mi querida esposa, Emma.
My nephew, Dennis, and his lovely wife, Jen.
Mi sobrino Dennis , y su querida esposa Jen ¿ Cómo está?
A warning, given voice by loving wife.
Una advertencia, dada por una querida esposa.
Your loving wife, Edna
Tu querida esposa, Edna.
I expect my loving wife to be there.
Salí, esperaba que mi querida esposa estuviera aquí.
A real flakey dude, according to his loving wife.
Una verdadera piltrafa, según su querida esposa.
My loving wife has lied to me since forever.
Mi querida esposa lleva mintiéndome toda la vida.
Lovely wife,’ he said, ‘I’m just making myself a wee cocktail.
“Mi querida esposa”, me dijo, “estoy preparándome un coctelito.
He made a pleased, startled noise, and his arms came up about her. “My Tess,” he said. “My lovely wife.”
Él hizo un ruido complacido y sorprendido, y la rodeó con los brazos. —Mi Tess —dijo—. Mi querida esposa.
“I was at a party with your loving wife and she came over to me and she said, ‘Maurice, I hear you’re the best lay in town.’” Delaney laughed brutally.
Estuve en una fiesta donde se hallaba también tu querida esposa. Se me acercó para decirme: «Maurice, me dicen que eres el Don Juan de la ciudad.» —Delaney soltó una carcajada brutal—.
Upon learning that Mrs Snyder was blaming him for everything, he hotly insisted that she was the mastermind and had blackmailed him into cooperating by threatening to expose his faithlessness to his loving wife.
Después de enterarse de que la señora Snyder lo culpaba de todo, insistió una y otra vez en que ella era la mente que había detrás del complot, y que lo había chantajeado para que cooperase con ella con la amenaza de que, si no, le contaría a su querida esposa que le había sido infiel.
This would lead the younger man to the most difficult decision of his life—whether to dedicate the book to his loving wife, the painter Sarah Berg (who’d of course kept her maiden name), or to his wife’s father, without whom, etc., etc.
Eso llevaría al más joven a tomar la decisión más difícil de su vida: si dedicar el libro a su querida esposa, la pintora Sarah Berg (que, naturalmente, conservaría su apellido de soltera), o al padre de ella, sin el cual, etcétera.
Drink to the happiness of your loving wife.
Bebe por la felicidad de tu amante esposa.
As a loving wife... wants her man.
Como amante esposa... quiere su hombre.
- clever, loving wife.
- inteligente, amante esposa.
You have a loving wife.
Tienes una amante esposa.
Resume appearance of loving wife.
Recupera la apariencia de una amante esposa.
Me, the dutiful husband, you, the loving wife.
Yo, el marido sumiso, tú, la amante esposa.
Una amante esposa no testifica contra su marido.
Loving wife, mother and grandmother.
Amante esposa, madre y abuela.
Monica Craig, loving wife, beautiful spirit.
"Monica Craig, amante esposa, magnifico espíritu".
How could his lovely, loving wife be doing this?
¿Cómo podía estar haciéndole eso su adorable y amante esposa?
Georgie finally recalled her role of loving wife.
Georgie decidió reavivar su papel de amante esposa.
“There was nothing wrong with Bob that a loving wife wouldn’t have put right.
Bob no tenía ningún problema que no pudiera enderezar una amante esposa.
Duncan Idaho should be sent back to his loving wife.
Pero Duncan Idaho debería ser enviado de nuevo a su amante esposa.
One, your loving wife, that I always wish to be and always shall be. And mother.
—Una, tu amante esposa, la que siempre deseé ser y la que siempre seré. Y madre.
and receives loud, humiliating smacks on both cheeks from his loving wife.
y recibe de su amante esposa sonoras y humillantes bofetadas en sendas mejillas.
The thought of seeing you changes everything and has me drunk with happiness. Your loving wife, Jean
La idea de verte lo cambia todo y me ha embriagado de felicidad. Tu amante esposa Jean
So he left his loving wife and all his pos-sessions to become a hermit.
Así pues, dejó a su amante esposa y todas sus posesiones para convertirse en ermitaño.
Winter is coming, but soon it shall be spring and we will be here as always. Your loving wife, Pat
Se acerca el invierno, pero pronto llegará la primavera, y estaremos aquí como siempre. Tu amante esposa, Pat.
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