Translation for "love in return" to spanish
Translation examples
I don't ask for love in return, just recognition that we are like minds,
No pido amor a cambio, solo reconocimiento de que somos mentes afines
The song he sang most during the time I spent more time with him it was an American song... that one with the guy in love saying... the greatest thing is to love and be loved in return.
La canción que más cantaba cuando conviví un poco con él era aquella canción norteamericana del chico encantado que dice: lo mejor es dar amor y recibir amor a cambio.
I have sacrificed my blood, my freedom and my life for you, and not because I wanted the Lexicon or the throne of Athens, but because I wanted your love in return.
He sacrificado mi sangre... mi libertad y mi vida por ti, y no porque quería el Lexicón... o el trono de Atenas, sino porque quería tu amor a cambio.
Sweetheart, just because you give a boy sex doesn't mean you'll get love in return.
Cariño. Aunque tengas sexo con un chico, no significa que obtendrás amor a cambio.
The dragon who taught Kensei the way of the sword... Demanded his love in return
El dragón que enseñó a Kensei el camino de la espada exigió su amor a cambio.
Someone wants you to show love and you receive love in return.
Si alguien quiere que le muestres amor te dan amor a cambio.
If he could learn to love another and earn her love in return by the time the last petal fell, then the spell would be broken.
Si él aprendía a amar a alguien y ganarse su amor a cambio antes de caer el último pétalo, se rompería el hechizo.
After that, expect love in return.
Luego de eso, esperar amor a cambio.
I only wanted his love in return.
Sólo quería su amor a cambio. Mataste a su esposa.
Then you must help and support without receiving either thanks or love in return.
—Pues quizá te toque apoyar y respaldar sin recibir amor a cambio, ni siquiera las gracias.
that done, she would love him, for he considered it impossible that a woman should be loved without loving in return;
a partir de ese momento, ella le correspondería, porque le parecía imposible amar a una mujer sin recibir amor a cambio;
She would always love him, always want his love in return—and at the same time fear him, hate him.
Ella siempre lo amaría, siempre querría su amor a cambio, y a la vez siempre le temería, y le odiaría.
That would be his mission in life from now on: to embody the message of Christmas every day of the year, to ask nothing from the world and give it only love in return.
En lo sucesivo aquélla sería su misión en la vida: encarnar el mensaje de Navidad todos los días del año, no pedir nada a nadie y sólo dar amor a cambio.
You’ve taken a damn sight more than you’ve given. I took you from a miserable home where you were being destroyed. I took you out into a world you would never have known. And if you gave up something, at least you got my love in return. What more did you want?”
Has recibido más de lo que has dado. Te saqué de una casa triste y destructiva, te llevé al mundo, te di mi amor a cambio de todo, ¿qué más quieres? Pero tú no lo soltaste.
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