Translation for "litigators" to spanish
Translation examples
By way of safeguarding equality between litigants, article 223 of the Code states that during proceedings, courts may not hear one litigant or accept documents dealing with his case without notifying the other litigant, failing which the suit becomes null and void.
Para salvaguardar la igualdad entre los litigantes, en el artículo 223 del Código se establece que, durante el procedimiento, los tribunales no pueden oír a un litigante ni aceptar documentos sobre su causa sin notificárselo al otro litigante y el incumplimiento de este precepto anula e invalida el proceso.
· To make the laws more transparent and accessible for litigants;
Mayor transparencia y acceso a los textos para los litigantes;
There were no Defence Counsels to assist litigants in court.
No hay abogados defensores que asistan a los litigantes en el proceso.
Self-represented litigants
Litigantes sin representación
This is crucial if litigants are to have trust and confidence in them.
Ello es fundamental para que los litigantes tengan fe y confianza en ellos.
(b) Rights of a litigant in a labour tribunal
b) Derechos de los litigantes en los tribunales laborales
Litigants are equal before the law.
Los litigantes son iguales ante la ley.
I'm a litigation attorney.
- Soy litigante. - Soy abogada.
He's a top litigator.
Un importante abogado litigante.
Awesome. We're litigators.
Grandioso... somos litigantes.
I'm a lawyer. - Litigator, actually.
Soy abogado litigante.
- Well, you're a litigator.
Porque eres un litigante.
She's a tenacious litigator.
Es una litigante tenaz.
He ain't no litigator.
No es litigante.
I do corporate litigation.
Soy litigante corporativa.
Ally's a litigator. Oh.
Ally es litigante.
In this painting, the litigants stand before the judges.
En este cuadro, los litigantes están ante los jueces.
Poverty in a hostile litigant was refreshing.
La pobreza de un litigante hostil era reconfortante.
Ronald Bunter was not a flamboyant litigator.
Ronald Bunter no era un litigante espectacular.
they were professionally examining a litigant.
Se limitaron a estudiar profesionalmente a una litigante.
It was Jennifer Haynes, at the Vanutu litigation team.
Era Jennifer Hayncs, del equipo litigante de Vanuatu.
‘So are many of the world’s greatest litigators.’
—Lo mismo ocurre con muchos de los mejores litigantes del mundo.
Here I was besieged by a thousand litigants.
Allí me vi rodeado por un millar de litigantes.
Barry Beckman was the most famous litigator of his generation.
Barry Beckman era el litigante más famoso de su generación.
litigants searching for witnesses to back them up in court;
litigantes en busca de testigos que los respaldaran en los tribunales;
We are left with the roles of mere consumers or litigants.
Sólo nos queda desempeñar el papel de meros consumidores o litigantes.
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