Translation for "listen to those" to spanish
Translation examples
Don't listen to those Neanderthals.
No escuches a esos neanderthales.
Hey, Stewie, don't listen to those guys.
Hey, Stewie, no escuches a esos tipos.
Don't listen to those guys.
No escuches a esos tipos.
Don't listen to those haters.
No escuches a esos enemigos.
Don't listen to those cocksuckers.
No escuches a esos hijos de puta.
- Don't listen to those two.
- ¡No escuches a esos dos!
Just listen to those German generals.
Escuche a esos generales alemanes.
Don't listen to those bastards.
No escuches a esos bastardos, Lemon.
“You know the last time I sat before the iconostasis and listened to those priests?”
—¿Sabes la última vez que me senté delante del iconostasio y escuché a esos sacerdotes?
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