Translation examples
You think me a gentleman because I have linen and can manage a lisp.
Te crees que soy un caballero porque llevo lino y puedo cecear.
Does she have to lisp or stutter?
Debe cecear, debe balbucear,
Now he's probably gonna want to do a lisp, but...
Probablemente va a querer cecear,
Wouldn't that give him some sort of a lisp or something?
¿No les hará cecear o algo así?
Sounds like I'm lisping, doesn't it?
Zuena como zi ceceara, ¿verdad?
Look, if you're going to talk nonsense at least don't lisp.
Mira, si vas a decir tonterías, por lo menos deja de cecear.
It was really hard because, obviously, I got massively bullied for that and also having a lisp and whatever other reasons they decided that I was
Fue muy difícil porque, evidentemente, me acosaron mucho por el tema y también por cecear y por cualquier otra razón que ellos pensaran que yo
- No. She'd have a lisp.
- Tendría que cecear.
Rolan wasn't lisping at all now;
Rolan había dejado de cecear.
At least I'd be able to talk without lisping.
Al menos podía hablar sin cecear—.
Melicot must have lisped just like you.
Melicot debía de cecear igual que tú.
Why the devil had Grig had to have a lisp?
¿Por qué aquella condenada Grig tenía que cecear?
“Sometimes you forget to lisp,” said Polly.
—A veces te olvidas de cecear —respondió Polly—.
Zalen … no, Zawen … I have to lisp, right?” He laughed.
Zalen… no, Zawen… he de cecear, ¿verdad? – se echó a reír-.
Hearing her speak without lisping was tremendously rewarding and exciting to me.
Escucharla hablar sin cecear era tremendamente agradable y excitante para mí.
He'd be damned if he'd go to the trouble of lisping in Grig's own home.
No estaba dispuesto a tomarse la molestia de cecear en la propia casa de Grig.
Already the scene had become oppressively familiar to him, and he was damnably tired of lisping.
La escena le resultaba ya opresivamente familiar, y estaba harto de cecear.
To prevent lisping, he’d worked to control the hissing sibilant sounds of the three evenly spaced S’s.
Para evitar cecear, se aplicó a controlar los sonidos sibilantes.
As soon as he began to speak, treat him without lisping.
Ya que empieza a hablar le pido no lo motives a balbucear pavadas.
you could see him going home from them at the end of the long Soviet day, fat kisses from his wife, the samovar bubbling, the kitchen reeking of beetroot, children running to lisp their sire’s return.
se le podía imaginar regresando a casa al final de la larga jornada soviética para recibir los gruesos besos de su esposa, hirviente el samovar, el pollo apestando a remolacha, los niños corriendo para balbucear ante la Llegada del señor de la casa.
Though aged 60 (and counting), she teeters up to the Despatch Box in high heels, grinning girlishly at the Opposition benches before hesitantly lisping a few opening apologies for losing her place or some such calamity.
A pesar de que ya ha cumplido los 60 (y los que le quedan), se aproxima insegura sobre sus altos tacones hasta la tribuna sonriendo como una niña a los bancos de la oposición antes de balbucear vacilante una serie de disculpas iniciales por haber perdido su turno o alguna otra calamidad por el estilo.
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