Translation for "lift a hand" to spanish
Translation examples
(b) the person shall use a light cane with an average force without lifting his hand over his head so that the child's skin is not cut;
b) El administrador de los azotes se servirá de una caña ligera y no ejercerá más fuerza que la normal ni levantará la mano por encima de la cabeza, de forma que no produzca cortes en la piel del menor;
She tried to lift her hand.
Ella intentó levantar la mano.
He simply lifted one hand.
Se limitó a levantar una mano.
I will lift no hand to stop you!
¡No voy a levantar una mano para impedírtelo!
Then he lifted his hand again.
Entonces volvió a levantar la mano.
He couldn’t lift his hand.
Ni siquiera podía levantar la mano.
Slowly I managed to lift my hand.
Lentamente conseguí también levantar la mano.
Experimentally, he lifted his hand and examined it.
Probó a levantar la mano y examinarla.
I saw him lift his hand, saluting;
Lo vi levantar la mano, saludando;
Very gently she tried to lift his hand.
Muy suavemente ella trató de levantar la mano de él.
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