Translation for "legislating" to spanish
Translation examples
(d) Legislate on taxation;
d) Legislar sobre materia tributaria;
racism: When to educate, when to legislate?
cuándo hay que educar y cuándo hay que legislar
It remains our intention to legislate as soon as possible afterwards.
Nuestra intención es legislar al respecto lo antes posible.
States could not legislate in a unilateral way.
Los Estados no podían legislar de manera unilateral.
Power to legislate on invitations to submit tenders
Facultad de legislar sobre las invitaciones a licitar
The Basic Law and the constitutional duty to legislate
La Ley Fundamental y el deber constitucional de legislar
(a) Legislate by regulation;
a) Legislar por vía reglamentaria;
The drafting of beautifully worded legislation was not sufficient.
No basta con legislar con hermosas palabras.
- They can legislate her dress.
Pueden legislar su vestimenta.
We've gotta legislate that shit.
Tenemos que legislar esa mierda.
You can't legislate courage.
No se puede legislar el valor.
You can't legislate love!
¡No se puede legislar el amor!
Oh, you can't legislate feeling.
No puedes legislar los sentimientos.
We can legislate on 100 of our issues.
Para legislar cien asuntos.
We are not here to legislate.
No estamos aquí para legislar.
Time to legislate!
Hora de legislar.
To legislative and juridical policy.
Para legislar y ajusticiar.
Or requires legislation.
O hay que legislar.
Can't legislate morality.
No podemos legislar la moral.
"What's he going to legislate for you?
– ¿Qué va a legislar él para ti?
You'll legislate the court personally?
–¿Legislarás el tribunal en persona?
No-one can legislate love;
Nadie puede legislar el amor;
“Well, you can still legislate the divine.”
—Siempre puedes legislar para el Eclesiástico.
In desperation, lawmakers tried to legislate probity.
En su desesperación, los legisladores intentaron legislar también la decencia.
They can't sanitize or legislate our sexuality out of us.
Nuestra sexualidad nos pertenece, no pueden esterilizarla ni legislar sobre ella.
Will I be able to legislate it when I'm next in Rome?
–¿Podré legislar que se les conceda la ciudadanía cuando vuelva a Roma?
In the secondary areas we could legislate building regulation.
En las regiones secundarias podríamos legislar reglamentos sobre la construcción.
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