Translation for "leathern" to spanish
Translation examples
Their leathern thongs were removed.
Allí les quitaron las ataduras de cuero.
His stout shoes were tied with leathern thongs;
Se ataba los zapatos con cordones de cuero;
The air has rushed out by way of your leathern hose.
El aire se ha ido por la manguera de cuero.
He packed it in a leathern satchel that Pfarrer Johannes gave to him.
La empacó en una bolsa de cuero que el cura le había dado.
Her face was leathern, the lines creasing it the etch of wood grain.
Tenía el rostro del color del cuero y las arrugas parecían vetas de madera.
He found a leathern portmanteau containing books. Was that my fault?
Tropezó con una maleta de cuero repleta de libros. ¿Fue acaso mi culpa?
Furrowing his forehead, he slowly got into his leathern coat.
Frunciendo el entrecejo, se puso lentamente la chaqueta de cuero.
This man carried both a scimitar and a leathern buckler in his right hand.
Llevaba en la mano una cimitarra y un escudo de cuero protegiéndole el brazo.
was belted with a broad leathern belt stud- ded with little brass discs;
su ancho cinturón de cuero estaba tachonado de pequeños discos de latón.
They trim their leathern jackets with lace. They do not mend their rags, but they embroider them.
Galonean su chaqueta de cuero y no recosen el harapo, sino que lo bordan.
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